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M.D., M.P.H.


The Key to Unmasking Our Unhealthy Behaviors

We all have those “dirty little secrets” – behaviors that we wish we could change or have tried to change but failed. Maybe it’s stress management by chocolate or even alcohol. Studies show that these unhealthy behaviors can get in the way of your ability to be productive and fully focused at work, may affect your relationships and can also lead to health problems. The key to unmasking these unhealthy behaviors is to identify the root cause of your behaviors – something that is individual to each person. The root cause is usually something that is formed during your younger years and then usually forgotten. In this impactful talk, Dr. Ross will help you recover your personal root cause and put an end to unwanted behaviors for once and for all.


Are You Paying Attention? Fostering A Healthy, Balanced Work Environment

There is a direct association between workplace stress and mental and physical health and well-being and an employee’s productivity at work. Carolyn Ross will explore the dynamics at play, help you recognize and address warning signs, give tips on how to help employees make behavior/lifestyle changes. and provide valuable strategies to foster a positive workplace environment.


Rewire Your Brain: Decrease Stress and Anxiety, Increase Productivity

Tight deadlines, the ongoing pressure to perform and navigating differing personalities amongst co-workers raises up stress and anxiety in the workplace significantly. When tensions are high, brain function decreases which causes cloudy thinking, an increase in conflicts and loss in productivity.

In this high impact talk, the audience will walk away with:

  • An understanding of how stress affects your brain and causes cravings
  • How what you eat affects your anxiety levels
  • The keys to good nutrition
  • Simple changes you can make in your life to be more relaxed, focused and productive


Addictions, Obsessions and Distractions: How to Stay Focused in the Workplace

Distractions comes in many forms from stress eating, smoking and being obsessive compulsive all the way up to alcohol and drug addictions. These distractions cause a decrease in energy levels, an increase in anxiety and the inability to think clearly which in turn creates strained communication amongst co-workers and a compromised quality of work.

In this revealing talk, the audience will walk away with:

  • An understanding of the types of addictions, obsessions and distractions and how to identify if they have an addiction
  • How to know if their brain is wired to be more addicted and obsessive
  • Strategies to improve and change your brain for maximum functioning
  • Ways that productivity is affected and the keys to getting back on track


Managing Chronic Conditions: Maximizing Your Relief, Health and Productivity

Almost half of the US are living in chronic pain or with some kind of a chronic illness that impacts our stress, productivity and happiness levels. Realities may include coping with ongoing pain, exhaustion, decreased brain function, irritability, missed work, stress trying to catch up and more. As a result, workplace relationships and productivity are strained.

In this strategic talk, the audience will walk away with:

  • Insights into the psychology of chronic illness, how they can cope and still be productive and happy
  • How nutrition and lifestyle choices can exasperate conditions
  • How an integrative medicine approach can manage chronic pain
  • The keys to relieving stress to prevent the chronic conditions from worsening


Why Can’t I Stop Overeating?

In this workshop, Dr. Ross will explore the reasons why our brains are hardwired to crave certain foods and how our stressful lives magnify those cravings and food obsessions. Some studies show that the majority of American women and girls as young as three are worried about what they eat and how they look. This preoccupation with food and body image issues is changing who we become as females in our society. Changing the relationship that women and girls, in particular, have with food not only affects their appearance or improves their health, it also unleashes the incredible power that women have to impact change in their families and to reach not just body satisfaction, but soul satisfaction.


Brain on Fire: Healing the brain, body and spirit in mental health issues

What does it take to really heal from an eating disorder, addictions or depression.and anxiety? Mental health issues have a significant impact on body, brain and spirit. The road to recovery can be fraught with relapses, regrets and recriminations. These disorders impact families as well as individuals and the healing process must include a holistic perspective in order to impact healing on the deepest level possible. Dr. Ross will offer a specific integrative approach to heal brain, body and spirit. This talk is appropriate for corporations who are concerned with how to identify and deal with addictions in the workplace.


The Healing Power of Integrative Medicine – Wellness Approaches for the 21st Century

Integrative medicine can be a powerful healing modality for common health issues such as insomnia, depression and anxiety. Dr. Ross will give practical advice on common uses of integrative modalities such as acupuncture, herbal medicine and body-centered therapies. This talk also will offer nutrition advice for lowering inflammation in the body, managing cravings, coping with stress and combatting fatigue.


Miracles; Inspiring Stories of Hope and Healing

When you are facing a serious or life-threatening illness, modern medicine often does not hold all the keys to your healing. This presentation gives you the benefit of Dr. Ross’s own journey to healing from a serious illness and the miracles she found along the way. She will reveal the 7 Keys to Healing that she learned from this experience and how those keys changed the way she practices medicine. These keys are important metaphors for any struggle you may face in life. This talk inspires as it teaches that there is more to healing than just what physicians learn in medical school.