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Inspirational, funny and able to instantly connect with audiences, Gabe is both entertaining and educational. In addition to his keynotes, he offers workshops with more formal training and breakout sessions to teach parents, educators, and corporations how to help those with mental health issues.

This Bipolar Life

As far back as he could remember, Gabe Howard contemplated the pros and cons of life and death. It was a thought process he believed everyone had. It was as normal to him as the weather. Then, by chance, he met someone who helped him deal with his suicidal thoughts and convinced him to get the assistance and support he needed. Gabe was committed to a psychiatric hospital and diagnosed with anxiety and bipolar disorder. That random friendship inevitably saved him and was a turning point in his life. Gabe shares his journey, from his early childhood to his epic battle to control his mental illness to ultimately spending more time living life rather than managing his disorder. Highly educational, inspirational, and full of hope, this presentation is perfect for anyone struggling with mental health issues, who wants a better understanding, or to help someone living with mental illness.

Creating a Mental Health Receptive Workplace

Talking about mental health, mental illness, and suicide in the workplace can seem like an overwhelming task. But it is an important one to take on because, chances are, someone in your organization is impacted by mental health issues or is supervising someone who is. Gabe understands that a one-size-fits-all approach to mental health training that doesn’t take into account who is learning rarely succeeds. Gabe custom creates trainings based on audience, time availability, and what takeaways are important to an organization. Ignoring mental health is the same as disregarding sexism or discrimination. They all can lead to the loss of productivity, retention, and creativity, not to mention lawsuits. Let Gabe help you create a safe and mental health receptive workplace—one that normalizes mental health and boosts employee wellbeing, company morale, and your bottom line.

Live Podcast Recording

Live podcast recordings are an engaging and dynamic addition to any event, whether it’s a conference, festival, or corporate gathering. Here’s three reasons you should consider incorporating a live podcast taping into your lineup:

Content Variety: With a live podcast, you have the flexibility to cover a wide range of topics to cater to your audience’s interests. Whether it’s industry trends, personal development, pop culture, or current events, there’s a podcast format for every niche.

Audience Engagement: Podcasts have a loyal and engaged fan base, and hosting a live recording gives attendees the opportunity to connect with their favorite podcast hosts and fellow listeners in person. This fosters a sense of community and belonging among participants.

Memorable Experience: Live podcast tapings create memorable moments that attendees are likely to remember long after the event is over. From spontaneous interactions to behind-the-scenes anecdotes, the live format adds an element of excitement and spontaneity that traditional presentations often lack.

Overall, incorporating a live podcast taping into your event is a surefire way to inject energy, excitement, and entertainment into the program while offering valuable content and engagement opportunities for your audience. So why stick to the same old routine when you can jazz up your event with a live podcast recording?