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Jerry Holl is an independent business consultant, professional speaker, and weekend warrior. He holds an engineering degree, an MBA, and has over three decades of sales and leadership experience. Jerry resides in Minnesota with his wife and has three grown children.

Downhills Don’t Come Free, Jerry’s cycling adventure memoir, is the recipient of a 2019 Gold Medal eLit Book Awards in the Sports / Fitness / Recreation Category and a 2017 Book Excellence Award Finalist in the Adventure Category.

An Inspiring True Story.

One man. One bike. One tent. One hell of an adventure.

Biking from Alaska to Mexico solo is hard enough. But when you throw in bad weather, flat tires, hair-raising roadways, and unpredictable grizzly bears, only a fool would keep going. Fortunately, Jerry Holl was just the fool for this particular two-wheeled odyssey. Coming off a lifetime of corporate positions, he wasn’t exactly prepared—his most trusted companion on the trip was a bike he didn’t know how to fix. But inexperience and lack of a concrete plan didn’t stop him. For fifty-one days, Holl pedaled his way across two countries, encountering everything weird and wondrous North America had to offer. Downhills Don’t Come Free takes readers through the ups and downs (literal and figurative) of Holl’s ride. By turns amusing and reflective, self-deprecating and self- assured, it chronicles every aspect of the journey, from the breathtaking vastness of the Alaskan-Canadian wilderness to the fortitude, generosity, and eccentricity of the people he met along the way. A dynamic speaker and relentless optimist, Jerry Holl’s book and message will inspire readers of all ages to work hard, play hard, and challenge themselves to their own adventures in life.

His messages are powerful for personal initiative, internal team development as well as client appreciation/retention and client acquisition events. It’s also a powerful book club discussion book.