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California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo – Broadcast Journalism
Nevada Union High School, Grass Valley, CA

Platform Issue
Dude. Be Nice Project

Scholastic/Career Ambition
Obtain a Masters in Broadcast Journalism

Piano Performance, “Malagueña”

Scholastic Honors
National Society of Collegiate Scholars Cal Poly chapter; Leadership, achievement and service scholarship recipient from University of Montana; I have been on the honor roll my entire school career; Received a cash scholarship for the highest GPA in choir.

Leadership Roles
Student director/producer for KCPR Spring 2015; Student music teacher for a 3rd grade class during senior year; Peer-To-Peer leader for Music in the Mountains; Student accompanist/ teacher for girls’ choir senior year; Student director/producer for CPTV Spring and Fall 2016.

Earned a place in the advanced choir and Chamber Choir at Nevada Union High School; One of 40 students selected to travel to the Baltics in March, 2013 to perform with the chamber choir; Accepted into every college that I applied to attend; California Music Teacher’s Association certificate of merit (level 6); Paper I wrote about the Miss America Organization was published in the Cal Poly annual textbook.

Interesting Facts
I like to rap; I created a program, “Arts in the Afternoon,” to expose children to the arts; I can play 3 instruments (piano, harp, and guitar); I delivered a litter of puppies when I was 14 years old; I am one of seven granddaughters (no grandsons), all of whom have competed in MAO; I share a birthday with my favorite Miss California.

Daycare employee (2009-2013); Currently a nanny for two children.

How has the world you come from shaped your dreams and aspirations?
Media is everywhere. Growing up in an age where it is nearly impossible not to be confronted with some form of media has given me the interest in pursuing a career in entertainment media.

Of all the ways you could succeed in your life, why have you chosen to succeed in the Miss America Program?
I believe in a program that empowers young women in such a multifaceted way. Miss America has been an icon since 1921 and I value and respect this organization. It has had a positive influence and has helped shape me into who I am today.

What social issue, other than your platform, will have the greatest impact on your generation and why?
With the constant need to always be “plugged in,” social skills are rapidly declining. While social media and technology are beneficial in many ways, the lack of ability young people have to carry out a face-to-face conversation, such as a job interview, is a negative result of technological advances.