Intelligent Motivation for a Challenging World
Knowledge and Skill will not win the day, but Confident Action can change your world. Learn how to increase your drive, strengthen your discipline, and sustain the action that is needed to succeed. Intelligent Motivation (tm) is determining what is important, identifying what action is needed, and doing what is necessary to generate and sustain that action until your desired outcome is achieved. It is Conscious, Objective, Intentional & Relentless Action on Vision, Focus, Standards, Meaning, Agreements, Measures & Rewards. In this program, Jim will teach you how to inspire vision, take focused action, create firm standards, make your work more meaningful, develop clear agreements, accurate measures, and appealing rewards.
Relationship Selling
The Eight Competencies of Sales Excellence
We need to rethink how we connect with our customers and suppliers, before our competition does. When Jim Cathcart wrote the book Relationship Selling it was considered revolutionary. Today it is considered standard practice. This presentation shows you what to listen for, how to be natural in your selling style, and how to connect with the underlying elements in buying psychology that most people never heard of.
Rethinking Ourselves For a New Era
“If you can’t lead yourself, please don’t lead others.” The most popular methods of leadership, management, sales and service delivery are already dangerously out of date. New technologies require new ways of thinking. Every day another standard practice becomes obsolete. To continue to grow and thrive we must learn to constantly Rethink: our markets, our systems, our relationships, our strategies and ourselves. This presentation combines stories, visuals, research and audience interaction to dramatically improve the way we think and act.
Helping People Grow
The Acorn Principle
Every person can be very good at certain things, but most people don’t know what those things are. Jim shows people how to find and grow their natural strengths so that they can always be self-motivated. Based on nine years of psychological research into personal effectiveness. A fascinating exploration of what makes us who we are, and how to use it.