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“I understand you were a smash hit (rated #1 on Main Platform) at the Million Dollar Round Table Meeting. Congratulations! No surprise to us! You’ll be pleased to know that you scored the highest audience ranking among all the speakers at our General Agents Conference. Thanks again for the major contribution you made to The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company!”

Thomas R. Richards


Northwestern Mutual Financial Network

“Your presentation was phenomenal. The message was simple, the delivery superb. To combine humor with a strong message is a great gift. The standing ovation you received was a testament to your tremendous abilities as a speaker. We would certainly recommend you to any organization wishing to provide the best speaker possible for their event.”

Cora Toth

Vice Pres. Member Services

Realty World - Canada

“Of the attendees from 19 of our Johnson & Johnson Companies, your presentation, humor and profound message consistently received the highest scores
possible. Mimi, you lit up our audience!”

Barbara Sands

Regional Director

Johnson & Johnson