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Carolyn Gross


Carolyn Gross calls chaos the great teacher! Here expertise addresses the global shuffle from the pandemic, that has redirected all our lives. As an award winning speaker, author and reinvention strategist, she has been seen on NBC, ABC and Lifetime TV. In her keynote presentations she presents strategies to offset the adverse reactions from intensive-immediate crisis to long term stress conditions.

Carolyn helps companies, associations and executives redefine their business as un-usual approach to rise above the chaos and lead the way. Her vast research inspires audiences to help people restore confidence and make a fresh start.

Chaotic work environments and industries need support now to minimize the overwhelm that produces poor performance, low morale and workplace negativity. From her front-line experience in sales, leadership and medical realms, she will help your audience use their set backs as a spring board to RISE UP and gravitate to success.

Her latest book: Rise Above The Chaos helps people redefine their lives while maintaining their health and mental stability. She offers mental fitness strategies helping those working in crisis to be proactive rather than reactive to urgent life challenges with team & self care protocols to reinstate productivity.

Her keynote speaking has addressed a wide range of professionals in various branches of military & government, fitness and healthcare, luxury hotels & spas, integrative medical, women’s health, leadership and business associations, as well as the real estate industry, insurance and finance companies.

Her credentials include: certifications in the Color Code and Decoding the Colors of Leadership, as well as Time Management Training for Day Timer. She is a Past President of National Speakers Association in San Diego and worked in Medical Realms as a Patient Advocate. Her four books titled: Rise Above the Chaos: How to Keep Positive in an Unsettled World, Treatable & Beatable: Healing Cancer without Surgery, Breaking the Cancer Code and Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos and CD Set for Managing Chaos with Confidence.

Her work offer solutions to successfully redefine and re-engage lives with solutions to prevent overwhelm, and burn out. Through speaking, training and coaching she has worked with global executives, business owners and government agencies for over two decades. She teaches them how to access their power to overcome critical situations even in difficult environments. She will reward your audience so they can fill their reservoirs of strength to be inspired and further support your organization.