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A highly sought humorist and internationally recognized expert in therapeutic humor, Karyn Buxman shows people how to manage their stress and improve their bottom line through humor and laughter. A former nurse, Karyn realized it was time to leave bedside nursing when, as she watched a movie starring Mel Gibson, caught her herself staring longingly… at his large veins. She began her career in speaking when she realized it didn’t have to be done in 12 hour shifts, didn’t involve body fluids, and didn’t require white support pantyhose. 

Karyn is an active member of the American Association for Therapeutic Humor, International Society of Humor Studies, National Speakers Association, co-founder of The World Laughter Tour, author of This Won’t Hurt A Bit! and publisher of a quarterly newsletter, Wits & Bits. Her hobbies include making beds, folding laundry, washing dishes, vacuuming, and scrubbing toilets. (Would you like to buy a bridge?)

What Karyn Buxman, CSP Brings to Your Program

A highly sought humorist and nationally recognized expert in therapeutic humor, Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) Karyn Buxman shows people how to manage their stress and improve their bottom line through humor and laughter. 

Karyn achieves this through two means. Karyn provides presentation designed to have audiences laughing and enjoying themselves, while at the same time taking home a message that will improve the quality of their lives and the lives of those they care for. Karyn has also created tools designed to reinforce this message long after the presentation is over. These include books, a quarterly newsletter, a bi-weekly e-zine, reports, articles (many available for your publications), toys, recommended reading and resource lists and more.

Karyn’s presentations are based upon four cornerstones

Recognition: Today’s average man and woman are being asked to do more and more with less and less resources. One of the most successful means of rewarding employees is through recognition, and while this can be easy and cost-effective, it is frequently overlooked.

Perspective: As Shakespeare once said, “Nothing is either good or bad. ‘Tis thinking that makes it so.” How you view life’s challenges is a matter of perspective. Humor gives us the opportunity to twist, tweak, and play with our pain, allowing us to see it from a different (and healthier) angle.

Courage: Taking an active approach to humor may require some people to step outside their comfort zone. While this requires some courage, it is well worth the risk. If people don’t change their attitudes and behaviors, they are not likely to get different results than they are already getting.

Awareness: Many people have heard that humor has many benefits, but feel that their situation is unique; that they don’t necessarily have the resources to find and apply more humor in their lives. By raising their awareness, we can demonstrate that the resources are readily available to them, but it may require some conscious effort on their part to find it.

The attendees of Karyn’s presentations leave with several takeaways: First and foremost, they feel entertained, a sense of fun! Because of the rapport building effect of humor, people walk away feeling more connected. They recognize that how they respond to life events is a choice, providing them with a greater sense of control. And finally, they leave healthier than when they walked in, a greater sense of well-being.